Never-Ending Mother’s Day (Please!)

That’s it?  I blinked and it was over.  The day when my children told me and made me gifts that extolled the awesomeness that is my motherhood is done?  Already?  Sigh.  I’ve got to say that I’m going to need more than a once a year acknowledgement of the herculean effort that is my life as a working mom if I’m going to make it a full year without losing my sh*t.  I feel as if quarterly “Mother’s Day-Light” will do the trick.  It isn’t asking too much that every three months my husband and children should take a day to remind me why I don’t run away or leave them in the desert.

Because seriously it is so little to ask in light of what we moms put up with on a daily basis:    drama, eye-rolling, mom I can’t eat the meal you just spent 45-minutes preparing, This project was due last week, I didn’t know silly putty would do that to your favorite blouse, can you iron this, I don’t want to take a shower even though I haven’t taken one for three days and I smell like a homeless man, having to drive with the car window open to help ease the gag reflex that kicked in when your son opened his football practice bag because he hasn’t washed any of his practice gear in weeks, and by wash I mean he hasn’t put it in the dirty laundry because even though he can master any electronic device he can’t use the washer/dryer to save his life, I need this for school tomorrow says your child at 9:30 p.m.,

And that’s just a typical Monday, am I right, ladies?

But for one lovely day it’s all about us.  And our usually sullen, withdraw, electronically addicted children look us in the eyes and tell us how much they value us.  That they do notice how much we do for them.  And they are grateful.

I can’t let it be just one day.  I can’t bear the thought of going back to normal.  I want to be loved and adored all the time.  Let me hang onto the glow of Mother’s Day.  Just a little bit longer.  Please?


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