Look I know as a working mother you have about zero time to do anything other than what currently gets you through your day. I so feel you on this. But I’m still going to ask you to reach deep within yourself and try to fit one more kind of big deal thing into your […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘#workingmommy’
Three Tip for Momming in Today’s Harsh World
I love to write. It is my therapy, my meditation, my outlet to release all the crazy buzzing around in my head. When I write about the trials, tribulation and triumphs of being a working mom I feel like I’m doing exactly what I was put on this earth to do. But lately I’ve been […] Read more…
The Four Reasons Women Don’t Come Forward, I Know Because They Kept me Quiet
I was raped in high school when I was sixteen years old and I never told another soul about it—mostly—until two years ago. Even now when I write or talk about it I feel disassociated from what happened. Like that sixteen year old version of me is someone I know but not really me. The […] Read more…
Grandma Irene’s Three Best Working Mom Life Lessons
My grandmother Irene was so tough that behind her back I (lovingly) called her Imean. She raised six kids with a less than engaged philandering husband (sorry not sorry grandpa) in a small three bedroom home 1,700 miles away from her own family. There isn’t one thing in that last sentence that wouldn’t require nerves […] Read more…
The Reason Every Working Mother Needs to Volunteer
My eleven-year-old son is playing tackle football for the first time this year. Before the season started the boys were asked to sell discount cards that no one will ever use for $25.00 each. Each boy was asked to sell ten and if they managed to sell twenty they would get a team sweatshirt with […] Read more…
Why You Need to Demand Women Speakers and Panelists
I already feel like defending myself and I’ve barely started to write. So to get it out of the way I want you to know that I have two sons, a husband, a brother, a father and no daddy issues (anymore at least). I’ve worked in politics and finance—two fields where vaginas are still relatively […] Read more…
The Personal Fulfillment of a Side Hustle
As working moms we’ve spent a good part of our adulthood checking all the right boxes. From the time we graduated from school most of us had a mental checklist of things we needed to do like move up the career ladder, get married, buy a house, squeeze out 2.5 kids, and try desperately not […] Read more…
New Study Shows Moms who own Their Own Businesses Think it Makes Them Better Moms
Being a working mom is pretty bananas under the best of conditions. Throw in the additional stress of caring for another baby—your own business—and I think many of us would throw in the towel from the additional stress. But according to a recent study of 500 entrepreneurial moms by Vistaprint it turns out that the […] Read more…
I Need My Mommy
I know that I never appreciated my mother fully until I had children. If I’m really owning my embarrassing shortcomings I have to admit that even now I take her for granted. And I should know better because I know how awful it is to work the hardest I’ve ever worked and stress the most I’ve […] Read more…
When I’m Reminded That it is all Worth it
Momming ain’t easy and throwing a career into the mix adds a little extra something special. There are for sure days where I think to myself “is all this craziness worth it?” Usually it happens when I’m stuck in traffic, I’m already ten minutes late picking my son up from practice, I know I still […] Read more…