For our third date my husband treated me to a home-cooked meal at his house. Even in my twenties I was quite a foodie having worked in the restaurant industry since I was fourteen. So expectations were high. So surprised doesn’t begin to cover how I felt when he served me pasta with sauce out […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘#workingmommy’
Packing up Childhood
When I was pregnant with my oldest son thirteen years ago my friend gifted my future child a stuffed animal bunny rabbit. This bunny became The Bunny. The bunny that slept with my son every night. Every single night. Miraculously we never lost him nor did a dog ever confuse him for a toy chew. […] Read more…
Overcoming Mom Guilt
As a mother any time I do something for myself, personally or professionally, there are varying levels of guilt associated with it. Everything from peeing with the door closed to a girl’s night out to a work trip are all causes for enjoyment with a side serving of good old-fashioned guilt. And it pisses me […] Read more…
When a Working Mom Fails
This isn’t meant to be a pity party or a way to solicit “but you’re such a good mom” sympathy. It’s meant to be a recognition of the fact that I can be doing some things better as a mom—and specifically that I failed my kid recently because I let work get in the way. […] Read more…
My Three New Year’s Resolutions to Support Working Moms in 2018
As a woman I have high hopes for 2018. The unmasking of the dirty (not so) little secret of workplace sexual harassment as embodied by the #metoo movement and the record number of women who ran for office in 2017 lends itself to the sense that women have found their voices and aren’t going to […] Read more…
In Praise of the Good Guys at the Office
The recent unleashing of all the years of pent up secret keeping about sexual harassment has me absolutely giddy. It’s as if all of us women who have experienced some degree of sexual degradation at work now have permission—from society and more importantly ourselves—to tell the truth. No longer do any of us have to […] Read more…
Stopping Workplace Sexual Harassment
My story about being sexually harassed is one of my funniest. Of course, it’s been heavily edited and refined over the years. Since my early twenties I’ve managed to whittle away all the scary anxiety-provoking parts until it was boiled down to something resembling a scene out of a nineteen-fifties comedy; slightly inappropriate yet humorous. […] Read more…
Stop Waiting for the Next Vegas to Happen
I’m furious. Totally and completely furious. And I hope you are too. Consider yourself warned because the next person to tell me that gun control is a slippery slope and that will lead to only the “bad guy” owning guns I’m going to punch them in the throat. Hard. Can we all please remember that […] Read more…
Embracing Being Danger Mom
Today I embraced being danger mom. It’s like being fun mom, just more badass. It started innocently with me trying to be good mom. After months of neglecting my children because I’m studying for a designation in my field which means I’ve had zero time to be actively engaged mom the guilt made me determined […] Read more…
Mommy Needs a Time Out
I’m one of those working moms who is always asked how I do it all. I’m not proud of it. It’s really just a testament to my ability to smack a smile on my face regardless of how insane I’m feeling at the moment. I think most working moms (and let’s be honest this includes […] Read more…