There aren’t many things I know with certainty but here are two that I do: 1. When people feel overwhelmed or confused they do nothing. Absolutely nothing. 2. Our children do what we do not what we say. The heart sickening violence in Charleston makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘#workingmommy’
Why We Should All Embrace Our #DistractinglySexy Selves
Nobel scientist, Tim Hunt, had a bad week when he mistakenly used his outside voice instead of just thinking quietly in his head to himself. His cringe-worthy evaluation of women scientists is right up there with any backwards comment uttered by your dementia-suffering grandpa at Thanksgiving dinner. Hunt found himself in world of hurt after […] Read more…
What We Can Learn from the Duggars
As mothers I think we can all agree that there is nothing worse than seeing our children hurt. But to know that hurt was caused by another one of our children would be a pure and special kind of torture no one should have to endure. You hurt my kids, I hurt you. How does […] Read more…
Good News for the Children of Working Moms
We all know our children do what they see us do, not what we tell them to do. And usually I think about all the terrible things I do that my kids are probably picking up on and storing away to try out themselves at some point – like my nightly glass of wine, or […] Read more…